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Streamlining Salesforce Code Analysis with SFDX Scanner: A Simplified Guide


For Salesforce developers, maintaining high code quality is non-negotiable. Enter SFDX Scanner, a command-line tool by Salesforce, making static code analysis a breeze. This tool is your ally in detecting issues across Apex, Lightning Web Components (LWC), and more, ensuring your project adheres to best practices for security, performance, and maintainability.

Getting Started:

Ensure you have Salesforce CLI installed on your machine—a prerequisite for running SFDX Scanner. Follow these steps to elevate your code review process:

Step 1: Installation

Begin by setting up your Salesforce DX project. The SFDX Scanner works within this environment, providing detailed insights into your code’s health.

Step 2: Running Your First Scan

Navigate to your project’s directory in the command line and execute the following:

bashCopy code

sfdx scanner:run --target "<path_to_your_project>" --outfile "<output_file_path>" --format csv --category security --engine eslint,eslint-lwc,eslint-typescript,pmd,retire-js,sfge,cpd --projectdir "<path_to_your_project>"

This command scans your project against various parameters, including security vulnerabilities and code quality, outputting results in a convenient CSV format.

Step 3: Reviewing Results

Examine the CSV file generated by the scan. It details areas requiring attention, enabling you to refine and enhance your Salesforce application’s code quality.

Step 4: Conducting an In-Depth Analysis

For deeper insights, employ the Code Analyzer DFA (Data Flow Analysis) engine:

bashCopy code

sfdx scanner:run:dfa --target "<path_to_your_project>" --outfile "<output_file_path>" --format csv --category security --projectdir "<path_to_your_project>"

Though more time-consuming, this analysis uncovers complex issues, further securing and optimizing your application.


SFDX Scanner is a potent tool in a Salesforce developer’s arsenal, essential for ensuring code integrity and aligning with development best practices. Incorporating this tool into your workflow not only streamlines code analysis but also significantly enhances project outcomes.

For developers keen on maintaining the pinnacle of code quality and security within the Salesforce ecosystem, mastering the SFDX Scanner is a must. Embrace this step-by-step guide to make your Salesforce application development process smoother, more efficient, and aligned with the highest standards of excellence.

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